FUNNY Story: that took me back....back into time
On Friday, I was walking to meet a girlfriend for drinks. I was running late, it was rainy and I hadn't been out the whole day. I am that annoying girl with the oversized umbrella, oversized purse in the center of the sidewalk.
There is a gentleman, my age, walking towards me in the distance - he hasn't spotted me, yet. But I know that it's going to be one of those awkward squeezes...who will have to walk in the mud?
Just then he sees me and just like that he breaks out in slight hand movements, his mouth is moving and his eyes are low. Wait...he is not talking to me...he's...he's rapping. There's no i-pod and the rap begins instantly - no warm up, he just hops into it...
"People ought to know I'm not to be f---- wit...creep wit...sleep wit..."
WHAT?!? All of a sudden, I am 14 and back in Cincinnati at Tricounty mall. Me and my girl are walking out of Claire's - excited about the Cinnabun we are about to bust into, as long as we don't run into any boys. I am wearing wide leg jeans, possibly a school shirt or a zip-up sweater with my hair in a ponytail and fresh "Chocolate" lip gloss. Lookin' at the boys, giggling, trying my hand at intense eye-contact - you know building up my game face... We see some older boy that's by himself and as he walks by us, he begins to rap about nothingness...unless he's bold and he raps about some perverse song ending in lyrics "have yo legs in the air..."
The behaviour is awkward but yet common...but now as a 20-something woman in the streets on New's just plain WEIRD. Please men OUT THERE...if rapping is your "social tick" please, please get that mess together!