A Letter To Essence Magazine:


My name is Shelby Stone-Steel. I am a simple complex woman that has literally owned three consistent dreams since childhood: move to New York City, make a difference in the world (don't we all) and write for Essence magazine.

New York, I've made it...changing the world..still trying (assuming it will take a lifetime) and Essence...

Let me back up:

I've dreamed of writing for Essence, in any capacity, since the age of 7. I majored in journalism, was an editor of the student magazine, interned at several newspapers/magazines and with every stroke of the pen and draft that I wrote Essence was in mind.

Many times in life, I've heard "Shelby, all it takes is the right person to look at your work and then BAAANNNNNGGGG...just stay patient" Well, Essence, if you stumble onto this blog .... please, please, please not only look but give me a chance.

I am only in my mid-twenties and I am not one of those people that feel like I have to have it all, esp. not now or immediately BUT my God, I am praying and hoping that eventually...if not now but one day...this will reach you...

A girl with a dream....

You don't have to answer on the blog (although I would love to hear it), but what is a childhood or current dream that you have? If you could write "them" a letter, what would you say?

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