Soul Mates Revisited and possibly answered....
After many comments, the polls and public and private debates about the soul mate question, I think I finally get it and after talking to the "question asker" she gets it too... click here to read the first story and comments.
A Soul Mate = is raw and not much thought behind it and like my friend Shani followed up with "It just is the way it is. You two are drawn together and fit and you make sense to each other without explanation. You can be apart, you don't have to be lovers, you're just connected on some other level"
I also agree with my mom, that no one leaves a "soul print" on your heart and mind like your first love!"
I truly believe that many times your soul mate is your first "true" love because there is something so innocent and instinctual about that first connection - the one that you feel like will never be broken. Many times that first connection has nothing to with future security, resume, what one looks like on paper, what your brain says or anything that "mature" humans think about - it's about how you feel, butterflies, wanting to share everything and every moment together and complete heartbreak when things go astray...
That's what I think...